Remember those text images you have to solve to prove you’re not a robot?
These protects websites against spamming robots. Imagine one of these robots making a thousen accounts a second on your website because there would be no way to stop them.
Well how do they work?
You are presented with a messy text written in an image so that no robot would be able to recognize it.
Now, someone had to make sure those images are valid before showing them to you otherwise the system won’t work. And because there are so many of them, and no robot can solve them, captchas need humans to verify every single one of them.
And of course no one would do it for free, so people are rewarded for solving these captchas and making sure they work.
To start doing this it’s very simple and free. All you have to do it’s register an account using your email and a password and you can start solving captchas for money right away.
Just click on “start work” button.
Check the box for agreeing with the terms and click start.
If you know more than one language you can add them here and it will help you giving you captchas in that language also but most of them are in english so I suggest you selecting the first language as English if it’s not already.
Then click on “I confirm that everything it’s correct”
Now you’re on the working page. You also have the night mode if you prefer the website in darker colors which I personally do.
If you’re planning on doing this on your phone, you can click on “mobile interface” and it will give you a more mobile friendly work space where the night mode can be also activated or disabled.
If you want to increase your earnings, you can also go on the specific section where you can download their software which would make this work a bit easier, there is also an android app on google play if you click over here it will take you to it, or you could install the chrome extension. There are lots of ways of doing this, so if you’re interested, just CLICK HERE, register your account and start making money right away. I personally used this a few years ago, it works and the payments are instant!
If you are new to the channel, you should consider subscribing because this is what this channel is about, finding ways to make money and filling your pockets with extra cash.
Till next time!